By registering with LanOps you are agreeing to the following:

  1. LanOps will hold payment information by way of email
  2. LanOps will hold the ID, Username and avatar url from the account used to login to the website via Steam

LanOps will NOT share information with 3rd parties

Upon paying for a ticket you are agreeing to the following:

LanOps reserves the right to refuse entry to any event.

Cancellations can only be refunded up to 14 days prior to the event, any requests for cancellations received beyond this point can only be processed should the event be fully booked and your seat re-sold as all event finances will be committed by this stage.

You agree that LanOps and its staff cannot be held responsible for any claims, liabilities, actions, loss or damage to property or persons apart from any claims caused by the negligence of LanOps and its staff.

If you are under 16 years of age you will need to ensure that we have a signed and dated Parental Consent Form. If this is your first time attending a LanOps LAN Party and you don't bring it with you or it isn't signed by your Parent/Guardian you will NOT be allowed to attend the LAN.

LanOps staff members reserve the right to ask a person to leave the event if their behavior is found to be disruptive. Disruptive behavior is considered but not limited to the following:

  1. Intentionally or unintentionally causing damage to another attendee's system; We recommend that you do not touch other attendees' equipment, thereby limiting the potential of being accused of something
  2. Damaging another attendees or LanOps equipment/property, causing damage to the venue or the equipment there; This includes any actions that could prevent LanOps from hosting another event at the venue
  3. Failing to comply with the wishes of the LanOps staff and/or venue owner's staff. You will be held responsible for repayment to LanOps of any monies paid by LanOps to the venue owners or any other persons for the repair/replacement of any equipment/property damaged by you

Cheating in any way, shape or form is deemed unacceptable. Any persons found to be cheating will be asked to leave the event without any reimbursement of entry fees. Cheating is considered but is not limited to any of the following:

  1. Use of any code or script that causes the player to have an unfair advantage over others
  2. Disrupting the network or game servers to provide an advantage
  3. Manipulating a games netcode / packets to mislead the game or server into misreporting your position, actions or ping

All cheating cases will be considered and decided on by LanOps staff.

All attendees agree to familiarize themselves with any emergency procedures and/or equipment locations and its operating instructions. In addition you should familiarize yourself with the location of any emergency exits provided.

Viruses are common at LANs. LanOps will not be held responsible for damage caused by viruses. It is the attendee's responsibility to provide their own Anti-Virus Software and where possible to ensure that their equipment is free of viruses.

The use of viruses is prohibited. Anyone found using a virus to cause damage to another's system will be expelled from the event without any reimbursement of entry fees.

Network Traffic Disclaimer: Under current legislation, the event organizers are liable for providing a means to transfer illegal or prohibited data. Illegal and prohibited data includes but is not limited to:

  1. All pirated software
  2. Pornographic images/media/software
  3. Viruses

When you book to attend our events it is taken that you have read and understood these terms and conditions and that you will NOT bring illegal software, or seek to transfer/copy any across our network. The mere action of you booking and attending an event indemnifies LanOps, and you will be solely responsible for your own actions should you choose to ignore these terms and conditions.

In accordance with the Network Traffic Disclaimer (above) anyone found to have open or accessible shares on their computers will be asked to password protect or remove the share. Refusal to do so shall be grounds for instant dismissal from the event without any reimbursement of entry fees.

All your bases are belong to us

LanOps staff's decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into.

LanOps staff reserves the right to change, add or alter these terms and conditions at any time without notice.

LanOps will record the email used in the transaction for reference purposes. This information is NOT shared with any person or 3rd party and is used purely for the purpose of facilting refunds and sign in processes at events.


EVENTs we've hosted

PLAYERs we've entertained

Pizzas We've Ordered